Thursday, April 7, 2011

Blogging thru the Gospels Matthew 5

Hi Ladies. It feels good to know your not alone, Right? I thank God for you ladies. I thank God that as followers of Christ we are here to uplift each other, and I thank you.

Today was a day of contemplation for me. My birthday was yesterday and I'm creeping closer and closer to the beloved number 30. I'm not there yet, but I'll tell you what, I'm actually looking forward to it. As I read some of your comments on Mom's toolbox some one picked vs. 2 of Matthew 5 and I'm reminded that if we want to learn God will teach us we just have to sit at his feet and listen. Beautiful right?

This definitely was a full chapter but for me this verse stood out.

Scripture Matthew 5:42

Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away.


We aren't really given on option out. Jesus told us to give.


As a mother, wife, daughter, friend, niece, sister I feel like somebody always wants something. But I'm reminded that it is God who blesses and if someone asks something of me who am I to not share that blessing. God is a God of giving freely and I should do the same.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Blogging thru the Gospels Matthew 4

Everyday I'm searching for ways to draw closer to God. And I've come across Blogging thru the Gospels from Mom's Toolbox.

Soooo here we go. . . .

Blogging thru the Gospels Matthew 4


1 Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.

2 And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungred.


Jesus was led to be tempted and what struck me is that he prepared himself.


There are many things in my life that i just expect God to handle, which he will, but i'm reminded that we have a part to play in this journey and that we are to prepare our selves spiritually in order to allow him to lead.


Lord I thank you for giving us the resources to equip ourselves for the daily battle. Lord I ask for strength to be able to turn form temptation and turn to you.

Side note: As I have often felt in my life, right now I feel out of control. I have many challanges in my life that I have yet to over come and it drives me crazy. I just ask for any believer reading this, please pray that I let go of self, who leads me out of control, and allow God to control my life.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Mission Statements For Moms

Hi everyone!!!!

On my journey to step into my God given roles of wife and mother I've come across many (and I stress many) websites that I'm very grateful for.

One in particular that I came across challenged mothers to Have a mission statement. Now a year later I finally decided to take her up on that offer. (Procrastination at it's finest I know)

I prayed about it and was able to come up with something. Kat, the author of Inspired to Action, advises us ladies that we should put our mission statement in a place that we would see it often. Being that I spend way to much time on the computer mine is on the inside of my computer table. : )

The list doesn't look to intense but then again you ladies don't really know me that well.

God is defenitly a good God because he knows what we need in order to make us more like him. Since I've created the list I look at it and wonder what was I thinking. But then I realize that that list isn't for me to strive within my self to be those things but to allow God to mold me into those things.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Start of Something New!!

Well first I will start off by saying hello.

.. HI ..

OK now that that is done I can tell you a little about my self. I am a 27 year old wife of 2 years and counting. And a mother to my little screaming princess who is 5 months old. I've been wanting to blog forever but just couldn't get up the nerve or the motivation to do it, but its a new year and as new years go its the perfect opportunity to start something new.

Growing up as a child I always wanted to be a wife and a mother. And to be clear I wanted to be that wife and mother at home. I never really shared that information with many people because as we all know the role of a homemaker isn't one that gets much attention or praise for that matter nowadays.

Well, my dreams came true y'all and . . . . . . I don't think I knew what I was getting myself into or what I was asking for. When I really think about it I honestly don't even know how that became my aspirations in life.

My own mother was almost never home because she worked and still to this day works like a mad woman. Now that I really think about it maybe I wanted these things for myself because it was something I never had. But I digress I'll save that story (maybe) for another day. This post is about. . . .


I've been longing for a new start for myself for a loooooooooooooong time and as much as I don't see it sometimes, God has given me the opportunity to restart or should I say be reborn. My roles have changed. God has given me a husband and a family to love on and take care of.

Sooo. . . . I say all that to say this.. This is what this blog is going to be about. Me learning to step into my God given roles. And in that learning to allow God to shine thru me unto my family. I may not be Susy Homemaker, but I'll settle for Barbara Homemaker.

And oh yeah my name is Barbara, nice to meet you.